Thursday, 5 May 2011

"Inviere" - Resurrection service

Just a few images from the Easter Resurrection service at our local Orthodox church on Easter Saturday night. It's the one part of Easter that we really wouldn't miss - hundreds of people all meeting together at the church before midnight and then all walking around the church carrying candles ... beautiful and very moving. After three times around the church there follows a small ritual where the Priest knocks on the church door three times. Each time someone inside shouts out and asks who is knocking on the door of the house of the Lord and each time the Priest answers "we come in the name of the Risen Lord". Then usually the church doors are opened and everyone enters the church but this year the Priest said that as there were so many people, the service would all be held outside.

At the end of the service around 0200 a spotless lamb is brought into the service ... the photos didn't come out of the lamb as it was so dark, but it was beautiful and thankfully it's just symbolic ... no actual sacrifice takes place!

1 comment:

claudia said...

very nice,compliments for your work!!!!