our newest volunteer
Petre (pictured here with his neice) is one of our street boys who we have known since first coming to Romania. Petre, his brother Cipri and their three sisters all ended up on the streets. Petre has been coming to help for a few weeks now and he is proving to be a good help. He is keen to make a better life for himself, but as with all the young people from the streets the temptations are many and hard to resist. We're pleased that some of the young people want to help others like themselves and in the long term we want to encourage it as a form of peer education - after all, who knows better than a street kid what life on the streets is like and what the dangers are?
1 comment:
buna. mi-a placut ce am vazut pe aici si m-ar interesa si pe mine voluntariatul. Poate imi spuneti mai exact in ce consta activitatea voastra- n-am reusit sa inteleg decat foarte putin. Poate mi s-ar potrivi si mie un loc intre voi :)
daca doriti, imi puteti scrie la adresa
sau aici pe blog
p.s. inteleg engleza, insa cand vine vorba de scris ma cam incurc :D
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