Tuesday 23 October 2007

Yet another baby without hope

This little baby is only two weeks old and doesn't know yet know what the world has in store for him. Every time I see a new baby come into one of the poor families with whom we work it breaks my heart. I can't help wondering what will become of them, what future will they have? So many of the girls and women we know have recently had babies. It's sad to see yet another child come into the world with nothing and not much hope for the future. His mother lives in a rented room with no facilities and isn't in good health. She has five children, three of whom live with their grandmother who has two cleaning jobs in order to care for her grandchildren. We've given her clothes for the baby and toiletries - baby shampoo, soap etc and will continue to offer help and support as the baby grows, but we are so limited - by our lack of staff, time and resources.

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