After many months of obstacles to the building of our office, it's finally finished (well, very nearly) and in use! While the builder was working we had unseasonal flooding and a whole host of other problems which slowed down the work, but it's been worth it all.
With a grant from USAID via Peace Corps we have been able to purchase four laptop computers and other office equipment. We opted for laptops as they will be used in the office and also for computer training of both staff and clients, they give us the flexibility to work anywhere.
Shaneka, our Peace Corps volu
nteer for the past year and eight months worked with Amy (our daughter and former volunteer!) on the grant application and we are grateful to them both for all their hard work. The photo shows Kenneth and Shaneka using the office for the very first time to discuss (appropriately) the computer training programme. Shaneka has left us earlier than planned due to personal issues so the computer the training will be carried out by Kenneth as and when he can fit it in, until we find someone willing to take it on.